News |  15th Dec 2021

Feedback from a hypnobirthing mum who had an unexpectedly quick home birth

To let you know that I gave birth to our little baby girl a couple of weeks ago. She arrived the morning of my birthday, and very quickly…Thankfully I’d had chance to put my hypnobirthing tracks on as my waters broke the night before, because there wasn’t much warning when my contractions started - she came before my midwife could get to us. I kept calm, confident and in control as I managed on my own until I had to call my partner, knowing that the baby was (remarkably) about to be born. My midwife was on speaker phone talking him through what to do; my body knew it’s part, and I trusted in all the work you and I had done as well as visualising my midwife with me at my son's birth.

What a special moment.


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