News |  13th Jan 2017

Rules for Rows in the Post Natal Period

Becoming a parent can be a trying time for any relationship. The time when you would benefit from supporting each other more, is often the time when you focus on looking after yourself when not looking after the baby! As a result of the frustrations, this can threaten to cause arguments and conflict of unprecedented levels. 
At easibirthing in Salisbury, we offer support to clients to learn to adjust to their new roles without taking it out on each other.
Following these simple 'rules for rows' will help stop them escalating into something bigger.

Choose the time and place carefully

Both people outline their own needs

Listen carefully to each other’s needs

Stick to the real issue

Avoid dredging up the past, unless it is directly relevant

Be prepared to hear negative emotions

Try not to get defensive

Take time out if things are getting too heated

Respect the other person’s request for time out

No personal attacks or name-calling

Aim for win-win

Admit and take responsibility for mistakes

Work at forgiving

Create your own new ‘rules’ provided both of you are in agreement

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